来年2011年の6月に、京都でASSC (The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness) という意識を科学的に研究する国際学会が開かれる。
まず、シンポジウムでは<メタ認知と意識 (Metacognition and Consciousness)>というテーマで、3人の講演者を招待してメタ認知と意識の関係について議論する。
SYMPOSIUM 1: Metacogntion and consciousness
Chair: Ryota Kanai, University College London
Introduction: Ryota Kanai (University College London)
Talk 1. Stephen Fleming (University College London)
“Decisions about decisions: neural construction of metacognitive confidence”
Talk 2. Robert Hampton (Emory University, USA)
“Metacognition and memory systems in primates: Successes and limitations”
Talk 3. Peter Carruthers (University of Maryland)
“Metacognitive processes in nonhuman animals?”
一人目のSteve Flemingは、最近の論文で、ヒトのメタ認知能力に驚くほど個人差があること示した上で、そのメタ認知の個人差が前頭葉(BA10)の灰白質の量と対応しているということを示した。
二人目のRobert Hamptonは、メタ認知というと非常に高次な機能で人間特有のものと考えられがちであるが、動物(サル)にもメタ認知ができているということを、非常に優れた実験デザインで最初に実証したひと。動物にメタ認知があるかどうかという問題を、操作的(オペレーショナル)に、単純な条件付けではなくできているということを示すのは、なかなか難しい問題を含んでいる。その問題を、大きく克服したデザインでメタメモリー(記憶に関するメタ認知)をサルで示した意義は大きい。特に、動物に意識があるのかという問題を考える上で興味深い。
Hampton, R. (2001). Rhesus monkeys know when they remember. PNAS 98, 5359-5362.
三人目のPeter Carruthersは哲学者だが、認知神経科学的な観点から、メタ認知と「心の理論(theory of mind、他者の内面を推測する能力)」の進化について非常に洞察力に富んだ総論を書いている。とくに、Carruthersの議論をPrecuneusの機能と進化という観点と照らし合わせて読んでいくと、社会性と意識の意外にも密接な関係が見えてくる。それで、この哲学者のアイデアには注目している。
TUTORIAL 4: “Self-Knowledge: Philosophy meets Cognitive Science.”
- Peter Carruthers (University of Maryland)
Philosophers almost universally maintain that knowledge of our own
occurrent mental states (including not only our own perceptions, images,
and emotional feelings, but also our own current judgments, desires,
and decisions) is somehow privileged and authoritative. In contrast, a
wide range of evidence from across cognitive science suggests that while
our own experiences are globally broadcast (thereby becoming conscious)
and hence made available to the mindreading system (thus being easily
self-attributable), we can only know of our own propositional attitude
states via interpretation of sensorily-accessible data. Hence our
knowledge of our own propositional attitudes is little different in
epistemic status from our beliefs about of the attitudes of other
The first section of the tutorial will explain the
contrasting approaches, and will develop the interpretive account,
explaining how it is consistent with global broadcasting architectures
and with current models of working memory. The second section will seek
to explain the intuition of immediate access that underlies
philosophical accounts, arguing that this results from a simplifying
heuristic built into the structure of the mindreading faculty. The third
section will examine evidence on meta-memory and meta-reasoning that
bears on the debate, and will discuss evidence from schizophrenia,
autism, and brain imaging that is alleged to show a dissociation between
the mechanisms of self-knowledge and other-knowledge. Finally, the
fourth section will look at evidence that people often make
confabulatory claims about their own current attitudes, discussing how
this seems to strongly support the self-interpretive account.
TUTORIAL 6: “Towards the neuroscientific definition and empirical investigation of Qualia.”
- Naotsugu Tsuchiya (RIKEN, BSI)
- Ryota Kanai (UCL, UK)
Finding the neuronal correlates of consciousness (the NCC) has become a central issue in cognitive neuroscience. However, the definition of the key word, "qualia", remains elusive, and even researchers within the same field use “qualia” in many different ways, to the extent that we cannot answer simple questions such as "whether percepts of faces are qualia?" or “emotion of fear a quale?” Here, we offer a possible definition of “qualia” by considering what are irreducible units of perception from a neuroscientific point of view. We propose that whether a percept should be considered as a single quale or compound of qualia hinges on whether the percept requires top-down attention for binding or not. Our hypothesis predicts that “qualia” emerge from neuronal circuits that bind elements of percept via genetically instructed wiring or via rewiring through extensive learning. Chunked qualia can be bound flexibly via top-down attention, yet this is just a combination of qualia, which needs to be distinguished from genuine qualia. We believe the effort to make a clearer consensus of what qualia are could lead to a surge of neuroscientific investigation of consciousness, based on an analogy with researches on ‘elementary features’ following the proposal of Feature Integration Theory by Anne Treisman. We propose that our new hypothesis will facilitate empirical research into qualia by illuminating more focused issues directly relevant to the Hard Problem.
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